Participate in the Profits as a Partner or Reseller!

Xeus AI believes in growth through collaboration, and offers a Partner Program for third parties to participate in the profits via reselling, white labelling, affiliates or custom joint ventures.

Xeus Partner Program

Xeus can help you take over your industry, market, or custom idea with your own branded SAAS product, resale of custom AI agents, or other Joint Venture opportunity.

$ 0 Trillion

PWC estimates the AI Market to be worth by 2030.

0 %

Standard Affiliate Commission* You Could Earn

0 +

Totally different industries and use cases we’ve deployed AI to-date

$ 0 + /mo

Average monthly revenue a partner could add by reselling their own version of Xeus AI

Other Ways We’re Deploying With Partners…


Opportunities Available For YOU

Participate in the Action or get your own alternative use case designed and built!

Sell Your Own Xeus AI

Have an industry expertise or use case you think would work well? Our Partner Program can help create your own industry-specific custom trained AI agents that we can jointly sell to your market. Perfect for monetizing your industry knowledge or network!

White Label or Affiliate

Think this could work great for some people you know? Or want to get a slice of the action for yourself? Some partners are building entire businesses just around white labelling or referring people to Xeus AI! Perfect for companies looking to add revenue streams, or marketing agencies wanting to offer their clients a competitive advantage.

Joint Venture

Have some other idea or want to explore a partnership? Xeus AI believes in growth through partnerships, and would prefer to partner and grow together, rather than compete. The opportunity to sell a product like this is HUGE and we’re actively helping partners take a slice of that pie for themselves!

Almost Unlimited Use Cases For The Technology…

If you can teach a human to do it… We can teach an AI to do it. Whatever your work flow, use case or idea, most likely we can do it, and have likely already done it before. The core technology involves custom trained, skilled, knowledgeable AI agents that follow rules and processes to interact with their environment and deliver outcomes, which can be extremely diverse, just like a person. There’s many ways that could be adapted and we’re open to exploring them!

Sales Agent


Customer Support Agent


Professional Services Agent


Custom Skills Agent (and more…)


Some Of Our Partners...


Want to Explore a Collaboration?

Talk with one of our consultants and scope the idea…

Xeus gives you personally trained super intelligent AI agents able to handle complex tasks and workflows, just as human staff could.



© 2024 AI Link Ventures