Think Vast,

Act Fast.

Unlimited Use Cases With Xeus AI

Effectively any given workflow that’s currently done by a human, Xeus can be trained to deliver using a combination of agents and supporting tools and software.

Some of our partners...

Xeus AI Agents

Xeus AI has already deployed more than 40+ types of agents in over 30 different industries and 17 countries.

Niched Use Cases Some Clients Have Created…

University Application Vetting & International Invites

Government Survey Agent

Professional Recruitment Agent

On-call Construction Site Project Manager

Trained on any data, to follow any rules or procedures, referencing any materials or tools.

Outcomes delivered to you FASTER, CHEAPER, and HIGHER QUALITY.

Other niched use cases we’ve worked on…

Just a small sample of the wide array of capabilities!

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Demo Call

IT Technical Support Agent

Local Council Support & Building Planning

Virtual Friend / Digital Companion

Bank Registration Onboarding

Reliable & Smart AI Management System

Easily communicate with, control, track and manage your AI agents using natural language instructions  (like English), just like you would a regular employee. Enjoy clear data, outcome tracking and the ability to see or listen to all communications your AI has made.

Agent Management Dashboard

Customize their voices, rules, roles, knowledge and target contacts at any time.

Comprehensive Tracking

Each agent's communications are recorded, logged, and analyzed. See call summaries and data on final outcomes, prospect objections and pain points, suggestions for improvements and heat scores.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sassly is an on-brand AI copilot for businesses. It helps creators use generative AI to break through writer’s block, create original imagery, and repackage content into different formats and languages in your company's brand voice. Unlike most pretty generic outputs,
Sassly is an on-brand AI copilot for businesses. It helps creators use generative AI to break through writer’s block, create original imagery, and repackage content into different formats and languages in your company's brand voice. Unlike most pretty generic outputs,
Sassly is an on-brand AI copilot for businesses. It helps creators use generative AI to break through writer’s block, create original imagery, and repackage content into different formats and languages in your company's brand voice. Unlike most pretty generic outputs,
Sassly is an on-brand AI copilot for businesses. It helps creators use generative AI to break through writer’s block, create original imagery, and repackage content into different formats and languages in your company's brand voice. Unlike most pretty generic outputs,
Sassly is an on-brand AI copilot for businesses. It helps creators use generative AI to break through writer’s block, create original imagery, and repackage content into different formats and languages in your company's brand voice. Unlike most pretty generic outputs,
Sassly is an on-brand AI copilot for businesses. It helps creators use generative AI to break through writer’s block, create original imagery, and repackage content into different formats and languages in your company's brand voice. Unlike most pretty generic outputs,

Xeus gives you personally trained super intelligent AI agents able to handle complex tasks and workflows, just as human staff could.



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